
Blackpartners becomes a Substantive Partner of the Puls Biznesu journal

  • 16 April 2016
  • Iguana Studio
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Together with the journal Puls Biznesu we invite you to a workshop entitled: Negotiation, Communication, Integration, or soft aspects of M&A transactions.

M&A transactions are an excellent way to increase the value of the company, acquire more assets or team up with the competition. According to studies, however, most of the performed transactions fail due to the seemingly trivial reasons. The lack of organizational alignment, poor communication and mutually exclusive management environments constitute just a poart of the reasons for failures of the consolidation.

Studies also indicate that only those companies that have taken decisive actions to align the acquired companies have been successful. On the basis of the largest case studies of M&A transactions in recent years, you will learn how to consolidate the company in order to increase their value.

Blackpartners is a Substantive Partner of this event. More information on the website of Pulsu Biznesu.

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